SolarCanvas Energy Solutions: Painting a Bright Future with Photovoltaic Excellence

vision for the future

about our philosophy

Welcome to ELEKTRO GUM, where we stand as architects of sustainable energy, pioneering a radiant future powered by the brilliance of photovoltaics. As a leading force in solar solutions, we are dedicated to transforming the way the world harnesses and utilizes the boundless energy of the sun.


At ELEKTRO GUM, we envision a world where clean energy is not just an option but a fundamental choice, driving progress and preserving the planet for generations to come. Our vision is rooted in the belief that solar power is not just a technology; it’s a transformative force that illuminates possibilities.

Our Commitment

At ELEKTRO GUM, our commitment goes beyond installing solar panels. We are committed to fostering a solar-powered revolution that transcends today’s energy landscape. Our journey is guided by a passion for progress, a commitment to quality, and an unwavering belief that solar energy is not just an investment—it’s an investment in a brighter, sustainable future.

Join us at ELEKTRO GUM as we pave the way for a solar-powered tomorrow, where the sun’s radiance fuels not just energy but a flourishing world. Together, let’s illuminate the path to a sustainable and brighter future.

clean tech


  1. Energy Audit and Consultation: Before embarking on your solar journey, consider our comprehensive energy audit and consultation services. This initial step allows us to understand your energy needs, assess your current consumption patterns, and tailor a solar solution that maximizes efficiency.

  2. Explore Government Incentives: Take advantage of available government incentives and rebates for solar installations. Our team can guide you through the process of identifying and applying for relevant programs, ensuring you maximize your return on investment.

  3. Optimal Roof Orientation and Placement: Position matters. For rooftop installations, ensure optimal orientation and placement to capture the maximum sunlight throughout the day. Our experts provide guidance on the ideal positioning to enhance energy production.

  4. Invest in Energy Storage: Consider integrating an energy storage solution to store excess energy generated during peak sunlight hours. This allows you to harness solar power during periods of low sunlight, providing a reliable and continuous energy supply.

  5. Regular Maintenance and Monitoring: Preserve the longevity and efficiency of your solar infrastructure with regular maintenance and monitoring. Our services include routine check-ups and real-time monitoring to identify and address any potential issues promptly.

  6. Educate and Involve: Educate yourself and your community about the benefits of solar energy. Attend our workshops, engage with our educational materials, and become ambassadors for sustainable practices. A community committed to solar energy is a powerful force for positive change.

  7. Embrace Smart Home Integration: Explore smart home technologies that complement your solar installations. From energy-efficient appliances to smart thermostats, integrating these technologies can enhance your overall energy efficiency and savings.

  8. Plan for Future Expansion: Consider the potential for future energy needs. Our solar solutions are designed with scalability in mind, allowing for seamless expansion as your energy requirements evolve.

  9. Monitor Your Energy Consumption: Stay informed about your energy consumption patterns. Use monitoring tools and analytics to understand how your solar system is performing and identify opportunities for further optimization.

  10. Stay Connected with [Your Company Name]: We are more than just a solar provider; we are your partners in sustainable energy. Stay connected with us for updates on new technologies, industry trends, and additional services that can enhance your solar experience.

Clean Energy

Project Assistance


  1. Residential Solar Solutions: Illuminate your home with our residential solar solutions. From rooftop installations to integrated energy storage systems, we tailor solar solutions that not only reduce your carbon footprint but also provide reliable and cost-effective energy for your household.

  2. Commercial and Industrial Solar Installations: Power your business with our commercial and industrial solar installations. Our scalable solutions are designed to meet the unique energy demands of enterprises, optimizing efficiency and contributing to long-term cost savings.

  1. Solar Farm Development: Embrace large-scale solar energy production with our solar farm development services. We specialize in designing, developing, and managing solar farms that harness the sun’s energy to generate substantial power for communities and industries.

  2. Off-Grid and Remote Area Solutions: Bring power to the most remote areas with our off-grid solar solutions. Whether it’s for rural communities, agricultural applications, or emergency response, we engineer systems that provide reliable energy where traditional infrastructure is limited.

  1. Energy Storage Solutions: Maximize the benefits of solar energy with our advanced energy storage solutions. Our systems ensure uninterrupted power supply, allowing you to store excess energy during peak production for use during periods of low sunlight.

  2. Solar Consultation and Design: Begin your solar journey with our expert consultation and design services. We work closely with clients to assess energy needs, conduct site evaluations, and customize solar solutions that align with your goals, aesthetics, and budget.

  1. Maintenance and Monitoring: Ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your solar infrastructure with our maintenance and monitoring services. Our proactive approach identifies and addresses potential issues, guaranteeing the continued efficiency of your solar installations.

  2. Educational Workshops and Outreach: Empower communities and organizations with our educational workshops and outreach programs. ELEKTRO GUM is committed to raising awareness about the benefits of solar energy and promoting sustainability practices.



ADDRESS : Aleksandra Wejnerta 21/23, 02-619 Warszawa

NIP : 5214046746

PHONE NUMBER : +48721703088

EMAIL : [email protected]